Person's Photo

I'm a biomedical and AI engineer building things like LLMs for DNA sequencing and diagnostic chips.Currently an undergrad at UC Berkeley. Incoming researcher UCSF Gladstone Institute.

Intro _    

Hi, I'm Dev Patel , a biomedical and AI engineer with a passion for innovation and research. My interests lie in developing cutting-edge technologies for all things related to deep learning, electronics, and medicine. I'm currently a student at UC Berkeley building my skills in bioengineering and electrical engineering & computer science.

I'm currently conducting research at UCSF's Gladstone Institute for Genomic and Immunoengineering at the Jimmie Ye Lab (Chan Zuckerberg). Under Marcus Alvarez, I will be building foundation models to build cell embeddings for various downstream processing tasks such as mapping gene-gene interactions, gene expression predeiction, and more.  

Hard/Software _    

This is a non-maintained portfolio of all my projects. Check out the links to learn more or refer to my Github to stay up to date with my most recent projects.